Author : evatotham09

My fun weekend birthday

For my first birthday weekend I saw my best friend Izzy and Ella. They came round to my house and we played upstairs in my room. For dinner we had homemade KFC and pizza and afterwards we watched Grease and we dressed up as pink ladies .

These are my friends Catrin, Ella ,Izzy and me.

My other birthday weekend

Kitty came to stay at my house and we went indoor sky diving at the O2. It felt fun I really enjoyed it and so did Francesca.

See me fly below… yeeeehah!

check out my video below

This was me and I felt relaxed like I was just floating around.

My Summer Holiday in Crete

This Summer I went to Greece to the island of Crete for 10 days. We flew from Gatwick Airport very early in the morning and I went with my mum, dad, Francesca,Grandma and my carer Silva. We stayed in Candia Park villige. We hired a sofa boat, paddle board and a paddle boat. We went swimming in the sea and in pool I enjoyed swimming in the pool and swam everyday.

I enjoyed eating lots of Greek food especially Halloumi which I had for lunch.

Mum and I in the pool

Half term holiday

On Saturday I went swimming at Dulwich college. I climbed on the floats which was good fun. I also swam two lengths

On Sunday I went on the bus with Mummy, Grandma and Francesca to Brixton. I went to H&M I bought lots of new clothes. My favorite thing that I bought are some purple trousers

trip to Paris

for the Christmas holidays I went to Paris with my family

we caught the eurostar from ST Pancras to gare du nord and then we jumped in a wheelchair accessible taxi a company G7 to the hotel called Novotel Les Halles

here’s the link

we saw an advert for Emily in paris

when we went out I ordered an Mickey mouse ice cream

we went on some really scary rides below are the rides i really enjoyed it was called the Big thunder mountain rollercoster action!!!

Spa night

After a whole day of school and then spending about 45 minutes chasing my dog Sonny in the park I decided to have a spa evening at home. I had a facial which included applying a chocolate face mask which while I left on for ten minutes while I was soaking in a relaxing hot bath. The face mask smelt like chocolate,I was tempted to lick it off. After my bath I had my toenails painted a glittery pink. To top it all off I had a short full body was a very relaxing evening.


In September I started at a new school called Marjorie McClure in Chislehurst . I have to get up really early about 6:15 A.M. I hate waking up that early . I have 1 and half hours to get dressed have breakfast and get ready to be picked up by school transport . The journey to school takes around 45min .

In September I started at a new school called Marjorie McClure in Chislehurst . I have to get up really early about 6:15 A.M. I hate waking up that early . I have 1 and half hours to get dressed have breakfast and get ready to be picked up by school transport . The journey to school takes around 45min .

Once I get in early, I practice my spellings every day until 9:00 and then it’s lesson time. I enjoy being at my new school. In the short time that I’ve been there,I have made new friends and I’ve won 4 awards.


Today I went on a school trip to Eltham cinema to see the Railway children film. I went with my whole class.It was a nice surprise to go to the cinema during school time I enjoy being at Marjorie McClure.I enjoyed the film